Meet Our Founders and Caregivers
Before you jump to The Don Project Meet Us section, know about our history. Established in 2015 as an LLC in Indiana, The Don Project has experienced remarkable growth. After a combined experience of over 20 years, our client base has expanded, fostering both a larger and more devoted clientele.

High-Quality Team of Caregivers
To further enhance our commitment to excellence, we are in the process of expanding our team with additional high-quality, trained caregivers. This strategic move allows us to extend our exceptional services beyond ALS, encompassing a broader range of disabilities and illnesses. In addition to our specialized care, we are dedicated to offering companionship, ensuring a comprehensive and supportive experience for all our clients.

Our Motto
"PUTTING CARE BACK INTO CAREGIVING," is what separates us from others.

Don Price and Family – The Inspiration
"We were feeling unqualified for the task, but we now know God doesn't call the qualified; he qualifies the call." ~T&K
Don, a source of our inspiration, left an indelible mark with his infectious smile. Following a 19-month journey alongside Don and his family, Tonya transformed her pain into passion, choosing to professionally care for others. Supported by Don's family, we are committed to embodying our motto and honoring his memory in all that we do.
Want to know what others say about us? Read the testimonials